Documentary series, 'Portals to the Pleiadians', produced by our team in Australia for the streaming service UNIFYD.TV has taken home 3 wins this year at Cannes World Film Festival in 2023.
Featuring Peter and Roxanne Heibloem, the documentary follows their journey to discovering the 'Galactic Federation' and how these extraterrestrial beings are helping heal and raise the vibration of humanity.
The series was fully produced by our team via on site and our unique remote producing service. Then brought together in the edit suite by our crew including state of the art AI imagery.
Our producers worked side by side with Peter and Roxanne to help develop the series from it's earliest incarnations to the final result. Firstly creating a fully produced pilot episode and then assisting in the pitch process.
Once picked up by streaming service UNIFYD.TV the show got rolling into it's eventual series format. To fit within budget our producers put forward our unique Remote Producer service, which offered the creators the assurance and stability of having season veterans on site, whilst minimising budget by filming themselves.
The ClipYeah team took the creators through all they'd need for equipment, scripting, lighting, audio and even set dressing and set up all via video calls. When it came time for lights, camera and action, the producers were "on set" to assist in all the creators needs.
During the edit of the production our team utilised state of the art AI generated art through our own workflow developed especially for rendering the creators vision into real life. In this case to bring alien lifeforms to the screen in never seen before realistic depictions of these beings, including Pleiadians, Arcturians and Lyrans.
The series became a highlight in it's categories at the Cannes World Film Festival, taking home wins for Best Spiritual/Mystical Film, Best Space Research Film and Best Inspirational Film.
Utilising our trailer and promotion service it has also risen to be ranked number 2 program for highest viewers on UNIFYD TV. Check out the series trailer below for a sneak peak.
If you're interested in producing your own documentary or series, reach out to our expert team today.